Sarah White was elected to the Executive Council of the NCBA Paralegal Divsion

May 6, 2023

Paralegal Sarah White was elected Secretary of the Executive Council of the North Carolina Bar Association Paralegal Division by its membership at its 2023 Annual Meeting held in Cary on May 5th.  As an officer of the Executive Council, Sarah will assist with communications, planning and execution of the Division’s mission of promoting and advancing the profession.  She has been a member of the Council since 2019.

Sarah, a senior litigation paralegal, is a zealous proponent of the profession where she holds advanced certifications, ACP from the NALA and NCCP from the NC State Bar.  She was previously Treasurer and a Council Member of the Division and currently serves as co-chair of the Bylaws Committee and is a member of the Ethics and Nominations Committees.  Sarah is also Chair of the North Carolina State Bar Paralegal Certification Committee and is a member of NALA and NCADA Paralegal Division.  In 2018, she was recipient of the North Carolina Bar Association’s Distinguished Paralegal Award.