Trucking Defense lawyer, John Nunnally participated in the Defense Research Institute’s (DRI) annual Trucking Law Seminar held in St. Louis April 10-12. The three-day conference focused on early and effective strategies to combat a litigation environment hallmarked by increasing high jury verdicts. DRI, the largest membership of attorneys defending the interests of business and individuals in civil litigation, is recognized for exceptional educational programing and outstanding seminars. John serves on DRI’s trucking law committee and actively engages in organizations supporting the trucking sector. He frequently presents legal topics to such groups.
John has defended trucking companies in litigation for 30 years. His experience allows him to provide insight into the specialized challenges facing the trucking industry, often assisting with compliance issues and other forms of early dispute resolution to help keep clients completely out of court. Ragsdale Liggett lawyers defend the industry in personal and catastrophic injury, property damage and cargo claims and represent trucking companies and insurers in North Carolina, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, and Virginia.